
From IT to HIT, and to HITS

For Harmonious Development of

Human (H), Information (I),

Technology (T) and Society (S)

presented by Takaya Endo, for several international talks 【Summary】


1. Introduction

2. Recent Worlds

3. Information Technology (IT)

4. Human Interface Technology (HIT)

5. Human, Information, Technology, Society (HITS)

6. Learning from Nature, Human, and Society

7. Back to the Fundamentals of Human Communication

8. Concluding Remarks


1. Introduction

・Human Being

・Everyday Life

2. Recent Worlds

What is now happening in the world, especially in

technological, business and political world, or

informational society, electronic society.

・IT Movements

・The Future of the Information Society, Electronic Society

・Beyond Cyber Space

A View of Recent World

3. Information Technology (IT)

How to grasp these phenomena from the view points

of technological development.

The Major Trends in Computing

・The mainframe era

・The Personal Computer era

・The internet and distributed computing era

・The UC (Ubiquitous Computing) era

Our Understanding of computers

・as information processing machines

・as communications devices

・will increasingly be the medium in which companies

and individuals articulate and shift their identities

" ... an enterprise is a network of commitments.

...computer tools can be designed to support people

in the coordination of action and

in the management of their commitments.

...The Web and the Internet are only the beginnings.

...will enable the industry to support

the continuous reinvention of corporate identities."

[by Fernando Flores]

4. Human Interface Technology (HIT)

What is Human Interface/Interaction (HI) ?

・ MMI: Man-Machine Interface/Interaction

・ HCI: Human-Computer Interface/Interaction

・ CHI: Computer-Human Interface/Interaction

・ HEI: Human-Environment Interface/Interaction

・ HHI: Human-Human Interface/Interaction

・ HTI: Human-Task Interface/Interaction

・ HOI: Human-Organization Interface/Interaction

・ HCI: Human-Community Interface/Interaction

・ HSI: Human-Society Interface/Interaction

Human interface technologies are playing a crucial role

in demystifying sophisticated information technologies,

such as computer and telecommunication technologies,

and thus more effective in augmenting our abilities

to develop and share ideas.

HI technologies have been introducing

new social environments for people.

They have extended the activity fields in everyday life

of people.

And they have had the effects of introducing

new viewpoints on human interface technologies

including wider sociological understanding.

And new concepts of an evolutionary digital technology

are developing new areas.

5. Human, Information, Technology, Society (HITS)

Using and advancing the IT and HIT, new tide has been

occurring on reorganizing existing business structure and

social structure.

On the contrary, insecurity of existing social system and

several kinds of social problems are occurring.

For example,

restructuring of enterprise using IT,

downsizing of organization using downsizng IT,

unemployment, electronic cash, virtual company,

intellectual property, cultural invading,

increase of indirect human communication, etc.

On security, how to make balance between privacy and

social system's security from the viewpoints of morals?

On indirect human communication, or

artifact-mediated human communications,

how to facilitate direct face-to-face communications in

artifact-mediated, virtual world, communication environments?

On electronic cash, for example, how to prevent the appearance

of new electronic economy hegemony by special group,

or how to guarantee privacy and usefulness of users,

on the other hand by preventing illegal usage?

These issues and problems are originated by small or

tiny technologies, and human being who uses the technology itself.

Now, for example, companies are rediscovering that people,

information and technology are their most valuable resources

and that they can best improve their competitive performance

by getting humans, information and technology

working together in harmony.

These are challenges of how to harmonize human,

information, technology, and society.

If it fails to handle, for example, enterprises will loose their

gains, or collapse, or society itself will be unstable state.

6. Learning from Nature, Human, Society

So now we need new paradigm on IT and HIT to harmonize

Human, Information, Technology and Society.

My idea is to learn from nature or the living creatures, and

human nature itself, and Society,

then to introduce new HITS Engineering.

Examples are,

・HITS Ecology :





Partially, these methodologies are proceeding with

interdisciplinary collaboration.

But, it is insufficient.

Today's movements on computers and networks are too hasty,

and companies desire to get money by IT,

but on the contrary, people are drowning in the < xml="true" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" prefix="st1" namespace="">sea of IT.

7. Back to the Fundamentals of Human Communication

Then what should we do?

Everything originated by small or tiny technologies

developed by human being, and

human being who uses the technology itself.

So, how about coming back to

the fundamentals of human communication.

Traditions teach us the importance of human communication

to improve or to solve the problems.

In the traditional idea, the better human communication was

most frequently grasped as "heart-to-heart"

(i-shin-den-sin in Japanese) communication.

The "heart-to-heart" communication resolved

complex historical problems.

Among people, those who know each other deeply and

respect each other are said to be on a "heart-to-heart" basis.

What sort of communication is made between individuals

which are considered to be on the "heart-to-heart" basis?

And, what sort of dialog model can be considered,

when an individual is carrying on a dialog with

another individual through computer

while they are engaged in a task?

By observing user's activities, it was suggested the necessity of

considering a socially distributed cognition (SDC) mechanism

which encompasses the present and past human communication

as well as personal cognition processes inside himself and

cognitive utilization of knowledge buried inside the task, Tool,

computer and the system.

In considering of all this, it was possible to come up with

a model, consisting of

・Self Dialogue Loop,

・Partner Dialogue Loop, and

・Task/Tool Dialogue Loop,

as a Human Interface Dialogue Model (HIDIM)

for making investigations on "heart-to-heart" communication.

8. Concluding Remarks

Technologies, or artifacts progress must be considered

as a means and not an end.

It must not go beyond its role, which is to support human being

development in ways appropriate to it.

We, contemporary people, have been eagerly devoting

our labors to this means, and applies almost all the forces

of our intelligence to it.

Now is the time to devote our effort to an end.

We must not be becoming enslaved by our own invented artifacts.

We have learned some fundamental ideas through

HITS activities, or human interface assessment and

design activities.

Firstly, it is important to develop artifacts harmoniously with

people to provide acceptable Socially Distributed Cognition

mechanisms by considering HITS-Ecology, -Economics,

-Sociology, -Ethics, -Design.

Secondly, it is better to design triple loop harmoniously to

provide "heart-to-heart" basis human communication

environments, by pondering the invisible and

evolutionary meaning of the triple loop model.

Lastly, we realized the importance of harmonious development

of ourselves as the masters of artifacts.

"Technology of Being"

edited by ©M-SAKU Networks 2008